People are apt to point out pretty quickly that snacking is a pretty bad habit. When they say that, they are usually talking about all the unhealthy, oily, calorie-rich, sugar loaded snacks that are flooding the aisle of the supermarket. However, ask any nutritionist and they would strongly recommend snacking. Except, of course, they would stress on HEALTHY snacking.
Snacking between meals is actually a healthy habit, provided you reach for a healthy options rich in fiber and proteins, such as fruits, raw nuts, granola bars, yogurt, and salads. They help you sail smoothly through those mid-day cravings and ensure that you don’t binge between meals.
However, no matter how much you’d like to snack sensibly, it’s not something that comes easily to all of us. The temptation to reach for the most easily available snack from the nearest vending machine is too high. The only way out for you is to pay attention to these tips that encourage sensible snacking and keep you away from stuffing your face mindlessly.
Turn Snacking into a Habit
You brush your teeth at a certain time, you hit the gym at a specific hour of the day, and you have designated hours in which you walk your dog. Like all these actions have been integrated into your everyday routine, snacking, too, should be turned into a daily habit. Treat it as one of your other regular meals and set aside a specific time of the day when you’ll consciously have a small snack. Eventually, doing so will become almost second nature to you you’ll notice you are having smaller meals in the evening.
Keep an Eye on the Clock
Usually, hunger pangs strike in the afternoon, between 3 and 4 pm. By this time, your lunch has been digested, your energy levels start dipping, and you begin to experience feelings of fatigue. Reach for a snack during this time and you’ll find yourself perking up and facing the day with new energy.
Always Stock Healthy Snacks Around you
Why do you head towards the vending machine for that packet of chips? Why are you tempted to munch on bar of chocolate late in the afternoon. Probably because you do not have a better substitute lying within easy reach. However, if you are carrying some fruit with you or have a packet of healthy nut mix stashed away in your drawer, you will be less likely to reach for the unhealthy alternative.
Get Creative with your Snacks
Let’s face it. Our taste buds are constantly hankering after a satisfying experience. Subject it to the torture of eating the same thing day after day and even an iron resolve won’t be able to keep you from straying off the healthy path. Get creative in your snacking options. Must you always chew on an apple? Why not mix yourself a healthy fruit smoothie? Or have grilled vegetables with a zingy dip. Once you wake up to it, there are a host of healthy and really delicious options out there.
Every Once in a While Let yourself Go
C’mon! We are all human aren’t we? It’s fine to let go off yourself once in a while and treat yourself to a scoop of your favorite sundae or have a brownie drowned in chocolate sauce. But only on occasions, mind you, Only on RARE occasions!